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Dignity, Courtesy, Respect

The Skinners' Company members, staff, contractors, clients, visitors and guests are entitled to be treated with respect. We all work together to make the Company function effectively and we do so in a constructive way. We must recognise however that there may be occasions when behaviour - deliberate or otherwise - may cause upset and offence.

Such behaviour may include:

  • Unwanted physical conduct
  • Verbal unpleasantness or aggression
  • Bullying


The Court of the Company, through the Clerk, is responsible for ensuring that the Company complies with equality legislation and to this end the Company adheres to policies to prevent all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to Dignity at Work, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, Discrimination, Victimisation, Sexual and Workplace Harassment. The Company will follow a Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure where appropriate and necessary. For Company employees these policies and the Procedures can be found in the Company Staff Handbook.

This statement applies to all members of The Skinners' Company, Company staff, contractors and visitors in the workplace and in any work- related setting outside the workplace, for example business trips and social events. It applies to all events and activities in the Hall buildings and to members and staff at the Almshouses and any other places where Skinners' Company may hold any of its events and activities.

What to do if you feel you have not been treated with dignity, courtesy or respect:

Members of the Company or visitors to Skinners' Hall should, in the first instance, refer any concern to a member of the Company or the senior managerial staff present at an event, or follow the guidelines below.

In the first instance employees should approach their line manager or another line manager of the Company. This applies equally to staff at Skinners' Company as contractors.

Other sources of support and advice include the ACAS helpline or CAB.

If you would like help and advice about how to proceed having read this statement please contact one of the following:

The Clerk: clerk@skinners.org.uk , telephone 020 7213 0560

The Master: master@skinners.org.uk , telephone 020 7213 0559 The Company's HR Consultant, HR Inspire: support@hrinspire.com

This can be done orally or in writing, but the intention will be to foster the best possible working relationships in an informal manner. The expectation is that most cases will be resolved informally but if this is not possible a more formal procedure is available.